Storytelling in the Age of Video

With Clinton Young

In this show we reveal the simple yet profound steps that Clinton took to go from speaking for free to commanding speaking fees of $10,000 globally in less than 17 months, part time, and how you can do this too! We dive into why becoming a master storyteller is paramount to your effectiveness on stage and on camera, and how it is the direct access to becoming a world class presenter.

If you want to become a world class speaker we give you access to Clinton’s Free Cheat Sheet: “Get the 7 steps that took me from $0-$10,000 almost overnight” and also the opportunity to join Clinton’s Speaker Posse. 

About Clinton Young

Clinton Young is an Award Winning International Keynote Speaker recently recognized by Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global as a “Top 12 Speaker to Inspire You”. His mission is to Re-Ignite the Human Spirit and cause a movement of world class speakers as Founder of the International Speakers Institute. ISI is the world’s first and only truly global speaker mastermind committed to uplifting humanity by training, connecting, and empowering the world’s elite inspirational speakers


  • Facts tell, stories sell
  • Tell your story in the present tense
  • The Power of 3


  • Simon Sinek’s bad advice (01:09)
  • How do you use storytelling to capture attention in the age of short attention spans? (04:04)
  • What’s the number one thing you need as a storyteller? (05:18)
  • Why you’ve got to have a left hook (08:29)
  • How do you craft your story? (09:44)
  • Facts tell, stories sell (10:18)
  • What are those pivotal moments in your life? (11:50)
  • Why Toastmasters is a great place to get started with speaking and sharing your story (12:30)
  • Your Toastmasters game plan (how to spend more time talking, and for free!) (14:09)
  • How do you tell a story while you are still on the journey and not necessarily at the peak? (19:18)
  • How can you make it feel like it’s your audience’s journey, not yours? (21:26)
  • Why you shouldn’t write your speech like you are writing a book (24:03)
  • How do you include your audience? (25:39)
  • ACC – The 3 crucial elements to becoming a better speaker (31:27)
  • How do you actually deliver stories in the present tense? (33:20)
  • Why storytelling is so important (38:15)
  • The power of 3 (43:44)
  • How to become a master storyteller (51:55)
  • Why you need to A.S.K to G.E.T (53:57)
  • How do you find your purpose? (01:00:24)
  • Commit to the journey (01:05:45)


Clinton’s Website

Clinton’s 7 Tips Cheat Sheet

Clinton’s LinkedIn

Clinton’s YouTube

Clinton’s Speaker Posse

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Neville Swaby
Neville Swaby
4 years ago

Yes, this should be inspiring show Nevill how to tell sales story.

Kathy Mason
Kathy Mason
4 years ago

Thank you for this great content on storytelling. I just downloaded your sheet.

Kathy Mason
Kathy Mason
4 years ago

Bonus!! ASK to GET

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Clinton Young

Clinton Young

International Keynote Speaker

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